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Drawing Hands
Who authors the author? A fugue without answer.
My Loperblog
What is a Loperblog, you might ask? Well, let me tell you...
Flash-fiction. "And now they are here on our lightly-armed research and supply vessel. I might not live through the day."
The Fight For Freedom [First Five Chapters]
The start of a fantasy novel [unfortunately] set in the Ultima Online universe. An honest man is pulled into war.
The Creation
Lighthearted little cosmogony done in high school for a mythology class: the origins of modern gods.
Diary of an Olympic Speed-walker
Speed-walking is an actual Olympic sport. No, seriously, walking fast is in the Olympics. I'm not kidding.
Flash Fiction Humor
A bunch of short, random writings intended to induce laughter in, or at least offend, the reader.
Intro to Semiotics: Funny Signs
Some signs are elegantly straightforward. Others, not so much. Some fun examples.
Haiku, Scifaiku and Impromptaiku
A collection of my haiku poems, updated periodically rarely.
Review: Dhalgren, by Samuel Delany
An attempt to make sense of this huge, mind-boggling work, and a theory or two.