Illinois Np Collaborative Agreement

Illinois NP Collaborative Agreement: An Overview

The collaboration between Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and physicians has been a topic of discussion in many states, including Illinois. The Illinois NP Collaborative Agreement is an important aspect of this collaboration.

What is an NP Collaborative Agreement?

An NP Collaborative Agreement is a written agreement between an NP and a collaborating physician that authorizes the NP to provide medical care in a collaborative relationship with the physician. In Illinois, an NP must have a Collaborative Agreement with a physician before practicing as an advanced practice nurse.

Why is the Collaborative Agreement important?

The Collaborative Agreement is important because it outlines the scope of the NP`s practice and establishes the relationship between the NP and the physician. It also ensures that the NP is practicing within the legal and ethical boundaries established by the state.

What does the Collaborative Agreement include?

The Collaborative Agreement includes provisions for prescribing medications, ordering diagnostic tests, and making referrals to specialists. It also outlines the process for consultation between the NP and the physician, as well as the process for modifying the scope of practice.

How does the Collaborative Agreement benefit patients?

The Collaborative Agreement benefits patients by ensuring that they receive high-quality care from both the NP and the physician. It also allows NPs to practice to the full extent of their education and training, which can increase access to healthcare for underserved populations.


The Illinois NP Collaborative Agreement is an important aspect of the collaboration between NPs and physicians. It ensures that NPs are practicing within the legal and ethical boundaries established by the state, and it benefits patients by ensuring high-quality care from both the NP and the physician. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, it is important to maintain this collaboration and ensure that patients receive the best possible care.

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