Framework Partnership Agreement Template

The Partnership Framework Agreement sets out the principles of the partnership between ECHO and humanitarian organizations. It defines the respective roles, rights and obligations of partners and defines legislation on humanitarian actions funded by DG ECHO. It defines what is written on the box and a framework for how decisions are made within the framework of the partnership. If you want to make changes and you don`t have Adobe Acrobat, you can also download our partnership model in Word format. If you are considering entering into a business partnership with a trading partner, it is important to have a legal record explaining your rights and obligations as part of the partnership. A partnership agreement is a legal document that defines the terms of a commercial partnership. It sets the start date of the partnership and the name of the partnership. The attached template contains a series of italic words that you need to replace with the correct information, z.B their two names. This section explains when and how partners can withdraw money from the partnership. Once the partnership agreement is signed, partners will be able to submit project proposals each year in response to the Humanitarian Implementation Plans (IRPs) published by DG ECHO. This section discusses the money used in the partnership, which covers upfront costs, interest rates and percentages. There are a number of conditions that you might want to trigger the dissolution of the partnership, and you can use this section to indicate them. This section simply states that the benefits of the partnership agreement cannot be attributed by both parties.

The European Commission`s Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO) does not intervene directly on the ground. The implementation of humanitarian aid is carried out by humanitarian organizations such as humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with which DG ECHO is in partnership. Now choose your model or receive it directly from Farillio`s website, which also gives you access to its full suite of customizable legal models.

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